امروز روز تولد استاد صنم پاشاست. و این شعر کوتاه رو از طرف همهی هنرجوها بهشون تقدیم میکنم و امیدوارم همیشه همگی، افتخار بودن در کنارشون رو داشته باشیم.
امروز خورشید درخشانتر است
و آسمان آبیتر
نسیم زندگی را به پرواز میکشد
و پرنده آواز جدید میسراید
امروز بهاری دیگر است
در روز تولد مهربانترین
در میلاد کسی که خالصانه دوستش دارم
امروز را شادتر خواهم بود
و دلم را به میهمانی آسمان خواهم برد
جشنی برای میلادت بر پا خواهم کرد
تمامی گلها و سبزهها در میهمانی ما خواهند سرود
ای مهربانترین
روزهای زندگی هر روز گوارا باد
میلادت مبارک
مطلب زیر توسط آقای نیما زالی جمع آوری شده است.
What is Head Voice?
Head voice is talked about as the falsetto register by some people in singing
circles. There are certain resonance areas in your body when you sing and your
head is one of them in addition to nasal cavities, diaphragm, etc. It’s almost as
if you are singing from your diaphragm and you and push out the sound more
through your upper mouth or almost into your nasal cavity a little. This could
be called accessing your head voice. It will help produce your original sound
and make things exciting. You can variate from head voice to chest voice
:Accessing Your Head Voice
Now when you’re trying to access your head voice, that doesn’t mean you should
be raising your larynx. If you raise your larynx, you’re using wrong
technique and you will really feel the difference. Look in the mirror and
if your larynx is being raised as you try to access your head voice, it will
start hurting your throat and things will get sore. This is a very common
occurrence when singers are using wrong technique. It happens all the
time even by people who have been singing for a long time. So first
things first. Try to master keeping your larynx, or your throat, still
and don’t let it rise or lower while trying to access your head voice or while
doing any other kind of singing.
You also what to keep your throat open as possible while trying to develop the
so-called head voice and finding resonance up there. Singers sometimes
have a tendency to close up the throat as they sing higher notes. This is
incorrect; you should always keep the throat open as possible even when singing
high notes. This is really the soft palate that you’re opening up in the
back of your throat to allow more air out while singing. It’s much much
easier to hit high notes or low notes while your throat is open and you can
also use the resonance in your head to use your own head voice sound.
What is chest voice?
Although there are many technical definitions of what chest
voice actually is, it is most widely known and understood as our normal speaking
and/or singing voice. For our purposes, chest voice is the range in which we
feel completely comfortable singing and speaking. It is marked by the majority
of the resonance being located in the chest. There are more specific
definitions than these, but the general outcomes are still the same.
I find that chest voice receives much less attention than it actually deserves.
In fact, chest voice should deserves just as much attention as any other area
of our voice. Why? Simply because we most often sing in our chest voice.
Therefore I find it quite necessary that we engage and train our chest voice
just as much as (if not more than) our head voice and mixed voice.
Somehow we get this faulty idea that since we speak and sing in our chest voice
all the time, we are in no need of training it. Wrong! Your chest voice may be
stronger than your head voice or mixed voice, but that does not necessarily
mean it has been properly trained. And here’s why.
Even though we speak and sing in chest voice often, we never truly train our
vocal cords to function in the proper manner. Since our vocal cords are not
trained in the proper manner, they do not give the proper control over chest
voice. It now makes sense why people could sing in chest voice for years and
still be incredibly pitchy and inconsistent. They are relying on everything
except proper vocal cord function. Even though their chest is strong, it still
remains untrained.
So how do we train our chest voice?
1) We must first get to the root of the issue. An inconsistent chest voice is
only a symptom of the real problem: improper function of the vocal cords. Vocal
cord closure is an absolute necessity for properly functioning vocal cords.
Getting the vocal cords to come together correctly is the first step in creating
a smooth, rich and controlled chest voice. The proper amount of vocal cord
closure implies proper breath support as well. Breath support is also key for
developing your chest voice. Breath support is not the focus but rather a
supplementary element of vocal cord closure. When you fill your diaphragm with
the proper amount of air and control it correctly with cord closure, you have
the ability to produce that rich and controlled sound.
Here is what I would do in order to start training your chest voice.
I would practice the exercises “mum” and “buh” on octave scales, repeating the
“mum” or “buh” 4 times at the top and holding out that note. If I were to write
it out, it be like this:
mum-mum-mum-mum mum mum muuuuuuuuuuuuum-mum-mum-mum
buh-buh-buh-buh buh buh buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh-buh-buh-buh
As you ascend up the scale, focus on controlling the notes as you sing them.
You can also work on developing your chest voice by humming a particular note
in your chest voice and holding it out for 10 seconds. Go to the next note
higher, hum it and hold it out for 10 seconds. Focus on controlling the sound
you are making. As you begin to gain control, increase the amount of time you
spend holding out the note. This will help regulate your breath and develop
your chest voice.
So what are the benefits of having a solid chest voice? Here are 2 tangible
1) excellent control over your vocals
2) a launching pad for adding energy into your mix
Like I said earlier, vocal cord closure is quite important to developing that
rich sound in your chest voice
مطلب زیر توسط خانم ترانه از شاگردان استاد جمع آوری شده و در مورد تنقس دیافراگمی است.
Diaphragmatic breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing or deep breathing is breathing that is done by contracting the diaphragm, a muscle located horizontally between the chest cavity and stomach cavity. Air enters the lungs and the belly expands during this type of breathing.
This deep breathing is marked by expansion of the abdomen rather than the chest when breathing. It is considered by some to be a healthier and fuller way to ingest oxygen, and is sometimes used as a therapy for hyperventilation, anxiety disorders and stuttering.
How it is done
“Deep breathing involves slow and deep inhalation through the nose, usually to a count of 10, followed by slow and complete exhalation for a similar count. The process may be repeated 5 to 10 times, several times a day."
To breathe diaphragmatically, or with the diaphragm, one must draw air into the lungs in a way which will expand the stomach and not the chest. It is best to perform these breaths as long, slow intakes of air – allowing the body to absorb all of the inhaled oxygen while simultaneously relaxing the breather.
To do this comfortably, it is often best to loosen tight-fitting pants/belts/skirts (nude also works well), as these can interfere with the body's ability to intake air. While at first one may not feel comfortable expanding the stomach during breathing, diaphragmatic breathing actually fills up the majority of the lungs with oxygen – much more than chest-breathing or shallow breathing
1. Sit or lie comfortably, with loose garments.
2. Put one hand on your chest and one on your stomach.
3. Slowly inhale through your nose or through pursed lips (to slow down the intake of breath).
4. As you inhale, push your belly/ stomach out and feel your stomach expand with your hand.
The term 'diaphragmatic' is sometimes misinterpreted to imply that the thoracic diaphragm is not used in shallow breathing. This is a misunderstanding as the diaphragm is used in either case. In belly breathing, the lower ribs are stabilized and the central tendon of the diaphragm is mobilized so that a contraction of the diaphragm pulls the tendon down. In rib cage breathing, the central tendon is stabilized and the lower ribs are mobilized so that a contraction lifts the lower ribs.[
Due to the lung expansion being lower (inferior) on the body as opposed to higher up (superior), it is referred to as 'deep' and the higher lung expansion of rib cage breathing is referred to as 'shallow'. The actual volume of air taken into the lungs with either means varies. Attaining maximal lung expansion may require both diaphragmatic contraction as well as rib cage expansion, as the amount of room created by the abdominal depression or rib stretching may not create an adequate enough vacuum space on their own.
Many people tend to think of diaphragmatic breathing as something unique to singing; as a special skill that must be taught to them, rather than the body’s natural way of working. However, the fact of the matter is that we are born knowing how to breathe properly, and no one has to teach us how to do it when we come out of the womb. The tummies of sleeping babies rise and fall effortlessly, without any tension or movement in their chests and shoulders. The parts of their bodies that support their breathing work in effortless coordination and synchronicity. Even the breathing of adults is correct when they are relaxed or asleep and not actively trying to control it. The body naturally knows what to do and how to do it, even when our need for oxygen is greater due to increased physical activity or in response to boosts of adrenaline (as when we are frightened)
The fact that diaphragmatic breathing is both natural and ideal is why so much emphasis is placed on 'breathing from the diaphragm' while singing. Breathing in this natural way enables us to regulate our airflow, and is correct whether we are singing, exercising, speaking or watching television. 'Diaphragmatic breathing' is not just a trick or a specialized skill that singers must learn. It is a product of the natural functioning of the human body. In other words, it is how our bodies have been designed to take in and expel air. In breathing for singing, the mechanism of breathing is not an aberration from that of the breathing technique used by the body during other activities